ExN Deuteronomy 18 15-19 [1203 2017]
ExN Deuteronomy 18 15-19 [1203 2017]
ExN Matthew 2 1-12 [0108 2017]
ExN Luke 2 21-40 [0101 2017]
ExN Luke 2 1-7 [1225 2016]
ExN Luke 2 8-20 [1218 2016]
Exegetical Notes Luke 1:57-66 [Your Prayers Have Been Answered] Exegetical Notes Luke 2:1-7 [All Booked Up] Exegetical Notes Luke 2:8-16 [Someone Has to Watch the Sheep] Exegetical Notes Luke 1:26-35 [A Man Has to Have a Plan]
ExN Mark 1 1-8 [1130 2014] ExN Luke 1 39-45 [1207 2014] ExN John 1 6-9 [1214 2014] ExN Luke 1 26-38 [1221 2014] ExN Luke 2 8-20 [1228 2014] ExN Matthew 2 1-12 [0104 2015]
ExN Luke 1 46-55 [1201 2013] ExN Luke 1 57-80 [1208 2013] ExN Luke 2 8-14 [1215 2013] ExN Luke 2 21-35 [1222 2013]
ExN Luke 1 26-35 & Matthew 1 18-25 [1216 2012] ExN Luke 2 1-7 [1223 2012] ExN Luke 2 8-20 [1230 2012] ExN Matthew 2 1-12 [0106 2013]
ExN Luke 1 1-4 [112711] ExN Luke 1 5-25 [120411] ExN Luke 1 26-56 [121111] ExN Luke 1 57-80 [121811] ExN Luke 2 1-7 [122511]